“We’re incredibly proud of what our team at Creative Assembly Sofia has accomplished in its recreation of this iconic period, and feel it is a great next step for the Saga series”. “With TROY, we’ve created a truly unique Total War experience,” said Game Director Maya Georgieva. Featuring new methods of faction customisation such as the Divine Will mechanic, breath-taking Hellenic & real-world artistry, and an all new multiple resource economy – a Total War first. TROY offers players an authentic depiction of this fabled age, with a host of new innovations added to both campaign and battle gameplay. Amid the war, the player takes centre-stage as one the epic heroes of the age, tasked with defending the mighty city of Troy or razing it to the ground.
Inspired by The Iliad – Homer’s sweeping tale of romance and bloodshed – TROY focuses on the historical flashpoint of the Trojan War, bringing the conflict to life as never before. A Total War Saga: TROY Behind the Scenes Community Content Features & Mechanics Modding Release Notes Sales Shogun: Total War Summer Sale 2021 Total War Saga: THRONES OF BRITANNIA Total War: ELYSIUM Total War: ROME Total War: THREE KINGDOMS Total War: WARHAMMER Total War: WARHAMMER III Total War: WARHAMMER II Clear All. A Total War Saga: TROY 49.99 39.99 20 off Description A Total War Saga: TROY is the first in the award-winning strategy series to focus on the Bronze-Age Mediterranean and the. If you have any classic game suggestions, let us know. This is also the first time that it will focus on the ancient Bronze Age the furthest back in history that the series has travelled in its tales of epic conquest. If you liked this video please like, share and subscribe to my channel. This is to celebrate its launch on the platform. Troy will be the first title of the series to be released on the Epic Games Store and will be free to keep within 24 hours since its release.

Also, includes are two new factions, new female-only unit rosters, three new faction mechanics, and two new epic mission chains. has recently announced the launch of video game A Total War Saga: Troy. A Total War Saga: Troy A Total War Saga: Tory Amazons adds two new heroes Hippolyta and Penthesilea. Game publisher SEGA and developer The Creative Assembly Ltd.